The Pandemic House is an interior/ architectural based project. The main purpose of this project was to change the interior of a house to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as any other pandemics that may occur in the future. The motivation of this project came from wanting to create a safe space for individuals. To conduct this project, I explored the relationship between interior spaces, society, and human perceptions as well as intimacy. This paper will investigate and explain the various methods that went into creating this home so it can be a futuristic safe house from viruses. 

The first thing I took into consideration whilst creating a layout plan for this house was airflow. While conducting research on how to go about creating a model for a futuristic home, airflow was the first thing that every article stated. This is because of quarantining in the house. When the COVID-19 quarantine period occurred, people were constantly in their homes. If this pandemic goes on and another quarantine period might be necessary, or any other pandemic which will require it for that matter, airflow is highly necessary for people to get fresh air. Not only fresh air, but to get rid of the germs in the air as well. This is why I have added a numerous amount of windows all throughout the house and in every room. Constant airflow is required for a virus like this. 

In fact, these windows play a large role in the design of the house not only just for airflow, but for other reasons as well. I have added a lot of windows to the house also because I wanted a lot of natural light. Being in quarantine for so long is difficult. Natural light will provide a sense of refreshness and soothing that one would normally get from being outside. Another reason why there are so many windows is because I want the people in the quarantine section of the house to be able to communicate with the rest of the people in the house without any spreading of the virus because it does get lonely being in quarantine by yourself. Windows will allow a sense of communication within the house. 

Another thing I had to take into consideration was material. Right now, there are barely any homes with antibacterial materials, which is why I added antimicrobial materials all over the house. This will not be showcased in the 2D or 3D model of the house because those are just images, but the idea is that these materials will be incorporated into the design. Now, what is an antimicrobial material? An antimicrobial material is material that offers protection against any bacterias or other microbes. There are also antimicrobial fabrics which are textiles that provide protection against hazardous bacterias. So, in my design, the idea is to have all the kitchen countertops, bathroom sinks and toilets, some appliances, all the couch and curtain fabrics, etc. be made of antimicrobial materials and fabric to reduce the spread of germs. 

These are some of the main things I considered while designing this pandemic house. However, there are also some other minor ideas that go into as well. For example, I designed the house using very light colors, so that the people residing there feel more comfortable and refreshed. Dark colors would not provide this feeling. The actual layout of the design is the way it is so that people within the house are able to communicate with each other easily. The quarantine section of the house is right across from the rest of the house with a large hallway in between. Furthermore, I have added two main doors to the house. One which is at the front of the house and one which is on the side, by the quarantine area so that the sick people can get in and out without contaminating the rest of the house if necessary. 

All of the ideas in this paper were incorporated into my design with careful consideration, to make the best, most efficient, and most safe way of living in this pandemic and ones to come.