
WEEK 5 09.23.2020

To start off my progress journal, I began with watching a documentary called, “Great Expectations.” The website where I watched this documentary provides a summary:

“Great Expectations provides an astonishing journey through innovative, futuristic, utopian and sometimes bizarre architecture projects-including concrete illusions of grandeur and Lego-like modular apartments to an Instant City Airship and round, grass-covered subterranean dwellings-from the beginning of the 20th century to today.

Since the end of the 19th century, due to industrialization and rapid technological progress, mankind has been confronted with new problems and possibilities. Visionary architects and artists, motivated by contemporary problems, including housing shortages, urban decay and pollution, set about to create changes in our ways of living that challenged conventional concepts of the good, the true and the beautiful.”

This is a very useful documentary for my project because I want to do just that: create an interior for a house which solves the problem that is the pandemic. I want to make a corona friendly house that makes life simpler while living during the era of the pandemic.


WEEK 6 10.01.2020

This week I researched some ways that interior design will possibly be altered according to the pandemic. Antimicrobial or Richlite materials will be used for future designs for bathroom and kitchen finishes as well as some furniture because they are great aseptic products. Besides this, they are highly sustainable and durable as well. Biophilic design might also be in demand because the longing for connection to nature will be increased due to prolonged isolation.

Biophilic design - interiors & buildings - principles, elements  &<br/>concept - Biofilico — biofilico design studio


WEEK 7 10.08.2020

I have began to research what a blueprint could possibly look like. Corona will reshape architecture as we know it and an example of a blueprint design is below. This is not what I intend to do, but it is a head start on sketching and constructing both the interior and the exterior of the house. This is a 3D model, but on the computer, which is something I am looking into making for my project itself. This is a much more complicated blueprint, but it entails a vision which I can use for my project. Mine will be more simple because I will pair it along with designs of the inside of the house, rooms specifically, as well as a research paper explaining the how’s and why’s of my project.

How the Coronavirus Will Reshape Architecture | The New Yorker


WEEK 8 10.15.2020

Capstone Proposal Presentation Link:



WEEK 9 10.20.2020

This week, I began to research some softwares I can use to design the interior of the house, if a 2D or 3D model is what I plan to do. I have heard of several of these softwares but have not used any, so I will begin to do more in-depth research to figure out which one could possibly work best for my project. As of now, Sketch-up looks very useful to me and so I am looking into this software so I can learn how to use it. Below is the link for the website where multiple softwares are listed which can aid me in choosing one that will work in my favor:



WEEK 10 10.28.2020

A list of anxieties I have about my project:

  1. Technical: If I choose to do an online 2D model of the house rather than a physical 3D one, I will have to find a software that works and then learn how to use it,
  2. Conceptual: Should I make the focus of my project the entire interior of the house or a specific material which I can use to build the house?
  3. Existential: What if I am doing the entire project wrong and it does not turn out how I want to when I turn it in as my final?


WEEK 11 11.02.2020

This week, we were assigned to watch “Beauty Is Embarrassing.” Filmmaker, Neil Berkeley, documented the life of artist Wayne White in this documentary. His mission was to bring humor into Fine art, as well as being an inspiration to people and simply being fun. Wayne White was best known for his work as designing and voicing the puppets on “PEE WEE’s Playhouse.” I found this document to be very amusing because White considered comedy to be just as important as tragedy, if not more. He found a way to incorporate humor into fine art, which is something unique.

Though my project is completely different than anything which was shown in this documentary, I believe that I can try to imitate Wayne White’s technique of incorporating humor into my project. However, this will be difficult to do because of the fact that my project is interior and architectural based.

Amazon.com: Beauty is Embarrassing: Neil Berkeley: Movies & TV


WEEK 12 11.09.2020

This week I decided to house keep and just begin to gather everything for the final. I started off by editing my website according to what is required for the final by adding any deliverables that may be missing. I also fixed any mistakes my progress journals may have had and made sure that I have 10 entries as stated for the final. Furthermore, I began to layout a very rough plan of what my final progress presentation could possibly look like.


WEEK 13 11.17.2020

This week I started playing around with the software, Sketch-up just to figure out how it works. I wanted to compare Sketch-up to Adobe Illustrator and see which one would work best for my projects should I do a 2D layout for the interior of my house. It is pretty simple and I am leaning more towards Sketch-up right now than Adobe Illustrator because even though I know how to use Illustrator, I am more intrigued in trying something new for this project since I have never used Sketch-up before. I will continue to play around with this software and possibly Rhino for the rest of this week to see what exactly I want to use for my designs.


WEEK 14 11.24.2020

Final Progress Presentation Link:



WEEK 15 12.01.2020

Winter Break Progress Reflections:

Over winter break, I plan on working on 3 main things for my project.

  1. Decide which software to use for the interior design aspect of the house and then properly learn how to use it.
  2. Continue my research on materials and such which will be used in the house.
  3. Begin to create/ draft a rough sketch of both the interior and possible the exterior of the house.