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  • Research the materials that will go into making the interior of the house less prone to germs. For instance, go in depth into antimicrobial materials or any other material that might work.
  • Decide how these materials can be incorporated into the house such as a bathroom sink or a kitchen countertop.
  • Figure out a layout for the house, including adding greenery to give it a more nature-like feel.
  • Sketch out blueprints for the front of the house as well as interior.
  • Decide colors that will go into the house, making it people friendly and make them less susceptible to being depressed in quarantine. Using light colors and shades that will not be “suffocating” to people in quarantine for long periods of time.
  • Decide how big the house will be and how many rooms it will have. How many quarantine rooms will be needed? What will be included in the quarantine rooms or every other part of the house, in general?
  • Start bringing sketches to life, either 2D or 3D.
  • Began to write a paper describing why the house is as it is, what was used and why it was used, and what decisions were made in doing so.